Saturday 8 June 2019

Live Review: Idle Hands @ Keep It True Festival, The Black Heart & Metalheadz Open Air

There’s been a buzz around Idle Hands for some time now and it only intensified as they embarked on their recently concluded, European mega-tour. 50 dates across 12 countries allowed the band to live up to the excitement their debut EP Don’t Waste Your Time had been creating since its release one year ago.  

Image result for idle hands don't waste your time

Some of us were lucky enough to catch several shows and witness exactly why Idle Hands are being touted as the next big thing. Keep It True Festival was our first of three. Early on a rainy Saturday, only a few short hours since the finale of Friday’s after party and the crowd of damp, headache ridden fans couldn’t have been more aware that this might not have been the best time for a heavy metal show. The explosive opening to 'Nightfall' turned that atmosphere around instantly, the band launching in as though they were in the midst of a headline set. The energy was infectious and it did not let up. For the next 45 minutes it didn’t have to be a rainy Saturday morning in Baden-Württemberg. A Friday night in a sweaty club, the ending of a huge outdoor festival, wherever this performance took you, that’s where you were staying until the end.  

Two weeks later and it’s London’s turn, this time in a venue a fraction of the size of Tauberfrankenhalle - Camden's The Black Heart. Idle Hands have been playing their debut album Mana throughout the tour but today, the official release date, feels a bit special. From start to finish there is passion spilling from everyone on the tiny stage. Brandon Hill and Colin Vranizan form a crystal clear and super tight rhythm section, quite the feat in a tiny box room above a bar. Sebastian Silva and Cory Boyd on guitar are a joy to watch as well as listen to. Silva and Gabriel Franco on vocals bring heaps of attitude and charisma in equal measure. As things close out with ‘Dragon, Why Do You Cry?’, I notice that despite any melancholy in the music, I've been grinning like a child at Christmas through most of the set, totally captivated.

Metalheadz Open Air brings another special occasion - the very last tour date. Each of these guys has been through 73 days of trailing back and forth across Europe, but not one of them shows any sign of fatigue or lack of enthusiasm. It's nearing 40°C on stage and Metalheadz is living up to its reputation of having a crowd who can tend to favour campsite parties over watching bands. And yet, Idle Hands do it again and give their all.

This is where Idle Hands are going so right. They perform in every situation as though it is exactly where they are meant to be. Making sure their audience knows that they were made for this as they command the stage with total consistency across venues, crowds, and settings. They know what they are here to do and they’re going to continue doing just that.

Born Again's Louise had the chance to sit down with Gabriel Franco at Metalheadz Open Air for a detailed interview which will follow shortly... keep your eyes peeled!

Writer: Louise Dornan

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